by turndog | Nov 21, 2023 | hustle culture, productivity, self improvement, work life balance
Comparison culture is one of the most toxic parts of modern-day society… yet likely not for the reasons you think. Sure, the obvious side is bad (to say the least). The constant scrolling through social media. The relentless standards around beauty, health, and...
by turndog | Nov 14, 2023 | hustle culture, philosophy, productivity, work life balance
subscribe for more videoslike, share & comment here Social media: it’s a tool, a source of entertainment, a business platform, and sometimes, a comparison trap. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, insecure, or just plain exhausted from scrolling through...
by turndog | Nov 7, 2023 | hustle culture, productivity, self improvement, work life balance
The fear of missing out is real, my friend… and I am afraid to tell you this because it may ruin your day — although not knowing it will likely ruin your life. OR at least lead you down a path of apathy and inadequacy. So here’s the harsh truth (apologies in advance)...
by turndog | Oct 31, 2023 | parenting, productivity, relationships, work life balance
subscribe for more videoslike, share & comment here In today’s modern age, our minds often become cluttered with the noise of everyday life. Minimalism, a concept often tied to tidying up living spaces, can also serve as an empowering tool for mental...
by turndog | Oct 24, 2023 | hustle culture, productivity, work life balance
Minimalism … you’ve read about it, likely watched the documentary, and heard a few interviews about how the Minimalist Lifestyle benefits you and your world. Heck, maybe you’ve even tried to commit to it. OR at the very least, open your wardrobe and throw a bunch of...
by turndog | Oct 10, 2023 | hustle culture, philosophy, productivity
The importance of simplicity in daily life is becoming more important than ever… BUT there is an issue with this way of thinking and it can quickly *trip* you up. Seneca explained why when he said: “We should not believe the lack of silver and gold to be proof of the...