Comparison Culture & The Rise of the Highlight Reel


Comparison culture is one of the most toxic parts of modern-day society… yet likely not for the reasons you think.

Sure, the obvious side is bad (to say the least).

The constant scrolling through social media.

The relentless standards around beauty, health, and happiness.

The pursuit of success and how everyone seems “better” than you.

Yet the real issue with comparison culture isn’t that you compare YOU vs. THEM … but rather you do so without having a clear understanding of what’s true and not.

And this is an issue that affects everyone.

The rich. The beautiful. The powerful!

Every single person is at the mercy of *this*, and in a few minutes you’ll understand why — as well as have at least some of the tools to overcome it.

But before we get to all that, we must first peek under the hood at just what comparison culture is and how it reared its ugly head in the first place.

the [no hustle] huddle

escape the hustle & stay escaped with actionable anti-hustling advice sent to your inbox every Monday (for free)

    the [no hustle] huddle

    escape the hustle & stay escaped with actionable anti-hustling advice sent to your inbox every Monday (for free)

      comparison culture: what the hell are you?

      Close your eyes for a second and imagine what life was like back in the 50s.

      Thriving in a post-war suburban neighborhood, you flank yourself with two wonderful neighbors. Everyone is happy. Full of “Howdy doody, neighbor”, and “Did you see the game last night?

      It’s the good life, but not a perfect one.

      Because Jim, your neighbor on the left, has the latest car that only hit the streets last month. You keep seeing it in the magazines and think to yourself, “Oh lordy, I’d like me a piece of that fine motoromobile.”

      And Bill—he’s your neighbor on the right—well he’s only just gone and got himself the latest TV that has color and two-stereo sound or whatever else was fresh and new in the 50s (I’m basing all this on memories of Happy Days).

      Damn Jim, and damn you too, Bill.

      Sure, here I am living the good life. But there they both are, living a better one!

      And that right there brings us to a saying I’m sure you’ve heard before…

      Keepin’ up with the Jones’

      It’s what fuels comparison culture because it sees us compare US to THEM.

      They have something we don’t, and so we fear that we may miss out.

      They are better. Happier. More Successful. More Worthy!

      All this is reinforced by those magazines and TV shows and newspapers.

      AND it’s been like this for a long time; maybe the entire time we simple humans have hung around on this planet, comparing our cave to the one over yonder.

      But today… the rules have changed.

      Because we no longer just have neighbors, work colleagues, members of the country club, and celebrities who appear in a handful of magazines and shows.

      We live in this Hustle Culture, Hustle Porn, and Hustle Till Ya Die world that bombards you with messages … adverts … content … people… all day.

      Every single day!

      What’s worse, much of this is designed by people with specific skills in human behavior and psychology, knowing what you crave, desire, and fear.

      And now, with the advancement of AI… the algorithms growing more sophisticated by the hour, feeding you down one rabbit hole after another.

      You’re left helpless, at the mercy of a world you cannot fully comprehend.

      And the more overwhelmed you feel by it all, the more you turn toward certain habits and rituals that supposedly make you feel better — social media and the like, which allows you to scroll your way through an hour or two.

      For what reason? Well, there is no reason.

      Other than it spikes your dopamine levels and keeps you addicted to the process.

      And if all this was all that was at play, it would be bad enough and make comparison culture the worst of the worst.

      Comparison Culture 1

      But it doesn’t end there and it doesn’t even cover the most destructive piece to this shit-smelling puzzle. Oh no, for that we need to peel another layer of this onion ?

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      comparison culture and the highlight reel

      Social media, in and of itself isn’t evil. If anything, it is wonderful.

      It connects us. Allows us to communicate. Gives us insights into cultures we would never otherwise understand. The issue is that we never really know what we’re seeing. Because the only person we ever get to truly understand is ourselves.

      Each day, every single moment, you are in your own head.

      It’s all you know. It is all you will ever know.

      Sure, we get to know other people. Some of them, on a deep level. Yet we never get to know them; not really. Their insecurities. Their internal chatter. The inner voice and the self-doubt and the questions they are likely not even aware of.

      You know this chaos well because it goes on in your head all the time.

      It’s exhausting. Unrelenting. Overwhelming.

      And although we assume others go through the same, we often don’t see it. This is where the real issue lies when in today’s comparison culture because it’s fueled by the HIGHLIGHT REEL of Instagram et al.

      We see what others show us. Edited glimpses into their lives; not the real ride.

      Not just celebrities, either, that we know are on an unrealistic pedestal.

      Today, we peek into the world of everyday folk; those like you and me.

      And we see that they are happy — at least, they seem happy.

      We know, deep down, this isn’t the case. Yet we see what we see, and instantly compare THEM to US. And because we FEEL our self-doubt and we know we don’t have it figured out, we begin to wonder… maybe they do; maybe they are better.

      dive into the book people are calling “The Alchemist meets Silicon Valley” … read/listen to the first few chapters (for free) now

      dive into the book people are calling “The Alchemist meets Silicon Valley” … read/listen to the first few chapters (for free) now

      comparison culture and YOU

      You are not alone. Each day, everyone is going through something similar.

      Because everyone else, like you, is stuck in their head.

      They see others. They experience them. They peek into their lives.

      And they FEEL it.

      Like you, they intellectually know perfection doesn’t exist on the other side of the camera, phone, article, whatever… yet emotionally they are curious, wondering that maybe just maybe they do have the secret.

      They don’t.

      Nobody does.

      Some are happier than others, more fulfilled, in a better or stronger or more secure position… and some have done the HARD WORK and indeed are more in tune with their emotions and feelings … yet nobody, not a single one of them, has it figured out. Try to remember this as you scroll and try to keep up with the modern Jones’.

      Like you, they are human.

      And like you, they are at the mercy of today’s relentless comparison culture.

      If we keep this in mind, we get to remain in control; at least somewhat. 

      So to end, let me remind you that You Are Enough.

      Not perfect, but that’s okay because that does not exist.

      You are you, and you are doing just fine.

      the [no hustle] huddle

      escape the hustle & stay escaped with actionable anti-hustling advice sent to your inbox every Monday (for free)

        hi, i’m turndog and I wrote this article … i am a writer, ghostwriter, anti-hustler & a guy on a mission to ensure you too escape the hustle — come be part of the [no hustle] movement

        the [no hustle] huddle

        escape the hustle & stay escaped with actionable anti-hustling advice sent to your inbox every Monday (for free)

          hi, i’m turndog and I wrote this article … i am a writer, ghostwriter, anti-hustler & a guy on a mission to ensure you too escape the hustle — come be part of the [no hustle] movement

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