by turndog | Jun 19, 2024 | hustle culture, self improvement, work life balance
What is burnout? Is it feeling tired? VERY tired? No… not even close. True burnout feels much heavier than that, and in today’s fast-paced world, its roots go much, much deeper. Burnout is less about the physical and more to do with the mental and emotional. at times,...
by turndog | Jun 5, 2024 | productivity, self improvement, work life balance
To be productive is good… right? Or can it be a dangerous game to get into? … one that leads you down a dark path that defeats the purpose productivity tries to overcome? I, like most people, and, I imagine you include yourself in this, have a desire to be more...
by turndog | May 23, 2024 | hustle culture, self improvement, work life balance
Ever just sit there, thinking… and thinking… worrying about thinking and on-edge about what others may say, do, or … yep, you guessed it: think? If so, fret not for you’re in good company. And although you cannot simply rid such overthinking, you can take a few...
by turndog | Apr 23, 2024 | hustle culture, productivity, self improvement
I started 2023 with a rather simple goal: to get off my anxiety meds. But I soon found myself down a DEEP rabbit hole… For many years, I woke up each day and placed a small piece of white chalky dust into my mouth. It supposedly helped me with anxiety and kept me...
by turndog | Mar 12, 2024 | hustle culture, productivity, self improvement
I’ve spent hundreds of hours (and more money than I’d like to admit) reading, studying, and experimenting with my health and productivity. I’ve learned a lot … BUT, there’s one hack that’s had a bigger impact than the rest. (and it came as a huge surprise) The good...
by turndog | Feb 27, 2024 | hustle culture, productivity, self improvement, work life balance
Oh good, work from home burnout … something else to worry about ? In this era of remote work and working from home, the lines between your work and personal life have blurred to the point where it’s hard to see a line. This leads, to among other things, an increased...