[nh] #34 — the PROBLEM with TIME





this edition of the [no hustle] huddle went out on Mon 19th February 2024

TIME… there’s a problem with it.

It goes both fast and slow.

It is relative, and down to our own precious perception.

Earlier this week, my son turned eleven years old.

a couple of weeks ago, my daughter turned six.

In some ways, the time when they were little babies in my arms seems like mere minutes past. Yet in other ways, I feel like I have lived several lifetimes in the last decade — that period when we were stuck in lockdown holds similar properties.

IT went both slow and fast.

Days dragging, but weeks passing ?️

That’s the PROBLEM with time, although is it a problem?

or, is it an opportunity?

More on that in a moment — first let’s get to this ??

from the [no hustle] community

Small Steps, Big Impactsmall steps lead to big impact; at least, they do if you’re intentional about the steps you take (and when).

Lessons Learned From Tolkienthis is the first video that’s gone somewhat “viral” … the first part is HERE, which seems to have captured the imagination ?

3 actions to take this week

? bookmark this → the problem of being too patient is …

? watch this → a rather remarkable story that shows traction can be built, and, simply happen, at any point in time (often, with no reason or rhyme).

? DO THISTake Stock of The Year So Far — we’re already six weeks in… how’s it going for you so far? what’s working? what isn’t?

this week’s featured book

A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber— I cannot talk about TIME without referencing this amazing book that covers EVERYTHING in a way that is utterly fascinating; a great mind, and an equally great book.

?️ pass the mic

As my son turns eleven, I think about the time I first left my job to start work on my own; one of the first thought-leaders I came across and learned a TON from was Mitch Joel … a guy who continues to inspire and seed lessons whenever I read his words or tune into his still best-in-class show.

? drop the mic

TIME is relative. There’s sense to it, in a scientific sense. Although I am not intelligent enough to understand it, and, chances are, neither are you.

That’s okay, by the way… few minds are supposed to “get it”.

What’s clear is how it isn’t as simple as to say a minute is a minute.

Not all hold the same weight.

This is why periods can simultaneously feel fast and slow.

It’s a problem because how are you supposed to live when something as important as TIME is both this and that?

Although, at the same time, is this a problem? OR is it an opportunity ?

I try to remind myself that this is a blessing and somewhat freeing.

… how it removes so much of the pressure we place on ourselves ?

Because what we do with our day, today, doesn’t really matter. We only ever get to live in “the moment”, yet that moment in isolation rarely means much.

It’s only when you stack those minutes together and have the benefit of looking back on them—to give them context—that they take on any real meaning.

In some ways, this is a haunting thought.

in others, a humbling one.

I choose to focus on the latter because I know the next decade of my life will pass both fast and slow. 

Yet I won’t get to appreciate that until I reside on the other side. 

That will come when it comes… all I can do is enjoy the journey in the meantime.

with my kids. with Vee. with my work. with this newsletter and the content that comes with it. with any of it and all of it because what else is there to do ?


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    the [no hustle] huddle

    escape the hustle & stay escaped with actionable anti-hustling advice sent to your inbox every Monday (for free)

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